From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Search For A Star, A Huge Success...

Finally, its over, as of afew hrs ago. Unlike the last SFAS that i wasn't involved in, this was a totally new experience. To be involved was a wonderful experience, the kind of effort people put in to make this thing happen. The performances were great, and the hosts did a really good job.

KUDOS to the Drama Team who did super well, infact I think we did better than we expected. Marcus and Felicia were really good man..the audience was really supportive. Kelvin and Mish sang super well and I don't know what to say, I am quite overwhelmed even though I had a minor role..but well..its a start.

So many cute acts, a spoof of the matrix pingpong thingie...Non-chinese ppl singing chinese songs and a really touching act staring Ray Ong, his dad and his brothers. There were instrumentals, drama, kids drama, dance and choir.

I personally liked the dance alot..haha choir was good too..and Charlyn can play the unexpected..didn't know she was musically inclined..

ANYWAY this year's SFAS was really a great experience for me and it will really stay in my memory for a long long time to come..Luckily I have pictures so you guys can have a look..

I don't think i'll be around for next year's SFAS but I'll rem this one for a long long time


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger FeLiCiA said…

    super fast update yr blog mans!!! where's my pictures??? hahahaha dear honeeyyyy... hahahaha

  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger efarmer said…

    awww... man... thanks for the pictures. Are there those of the acts themselves? Or just backstage ones.
    hahaa... you are actually quite shuai lah. But I like the one with Jamie best! Wah girl super pretty ah.... haha.-Lou

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    me can be as shuai as ur brad pitt bf..heh..


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