From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ok...It is time to watch my weight!

Ok, today's post is not political and I'm actually going to be abit self-indulgent with the topic at hand. After enduring people calling me fat for the past week. I have decided to do something. Something I should have done such a long time ago.

Before my exams in my previous semester, I was too lazy to exercise and my weight ballooned to 70kg. Which is quite alot for my height 172cm. Ok i'm not FAT in absolute terms, but people who have known me for years aren't quite used to seeing me like this.

Then exams came, and i lost some weight. Not because I was stressed but because I didn't eat regularly. I went back to 66kg, which was pretty acceptable.

Ever since I came back to Singapore, my weight has been flucuating. I remember I was 67kg 3 weeks ago and when I weight myself recently, I had gained 3kg.

ARrrgh, the agony. So now I have decided to only eat fruits for lunch on weekdays. And burn 350 calories every two days on the step machine. I've only stopped taking carbonated drinks as well as teh-ping, milo-peng and other sugary drinks.

I was browsing through my photos from my canoeing days and thought to myself, "damn I was lean!" *heartbreak*

OKOK so now I declare I weigh 70kg....I will post my weight up here again next friday to see if I have lost any weight. I know its awfully nassacistic of me but please forgive me my friends.



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