From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


Today while driving to get lunch..I was going along Kent Street. Kent ST has a speed limit of 70..i was doing like 80, by no means endangering anyone's life..but still breaking the law. ANyway...i reached down to change my CD track and looked up again and i saw my speedo at 84km/h. Looked infront of me..and i saw a policeman standing right in the middle of the road telling me to stop

I thought to myself...ITS THE END...MY FLAWLESS DRIVING RECORD IS COMING TO AN END!!! The cop took a look at me..and told me to pull over by the side of the road. In addition to speeding..i didn't have my P-plates on as well...Double whammy.

He was like "Going pretty fast there eh mate?" I was like "sorry, didn't realise". He thought about it for awhile..I didn't bother to smile or whatever, because i know I'm not a girl and it won't get me anywhere (Mish can get off it by smiling)

In the end, he just gave me a breath test and let me off!!

HAHA..sooooo lucky man...

Sooooooo relieved..

Praise GOD...I think its because recently started going to church again..haha..



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