From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


01] wad's ur mood now?
Tired,happy, pretty normal lah

[02] wad are u thinking about?
Work, moving house next sem, changing car

[03] wad do u think ur character is?
I would dare to describe myself as a nice person, cause I do care for people in my life, but for one, i'm very impatient, i can't stand people who waste my time and i can't stand ppl who don't listen, afew slacker grp mates in uni have already felt my wrath.

[04] how many ex bf/gf do u have?
single digit..not disclosing for personal reasons

[05] are they all serious relationships?
no comment, potentially fatal question.

[06] are u always the one crying for the
I wouldn't use the word cry, cause i don't cry. But then again, I'm usu a giver..

[07] any guy/girl cried for u b4?
Cried for me? no. Cried because of me..yes

[08] wish to have a long term relationship or
just wanna enjoy urself now?
I would like a serious relationship, not say i'm going to fling myself into the first one that comes along. But just gradually ease into one and see how it goes.

[09] do u have a crush now?
I don't have crushes anymore, I'd rather go to a car showroom

[10] IF one day ur best fren and and ur
beloved boyfriend/girlfriend fall into the sea, who would you save?
I would check if they could swim first before deciding, if I really had to choose, and if it were too hard..i'd just jump in and drown myself

[11] do u think now is the age for u to start a
I think 22 is fine. Being single at this age is good, being attached is not bad as well. Its not really the age but the maturity on both parts.

[12] wad will u usually do when ur
boyfren/galfren breaks up with u?
Go fly kite, what you want me to do...nothing I can do what.

[13] can u tolerate Boys/Girls who always
stick with u?
It depends on how much i enjoy their company. Even if I enjoyed it alot, there is a limit. When that limit is breached..well....thats why i have a two seater car..ha

[14] are u willing to give in everything to ur
Everything as in feelings,heart and emotions..yes..everything including money and dun think so..

[15] does looks matter? .
It does matter to a certain extent,of course she can't look like something out of a horror flick. But after awhile, when there novelty of appearence wears off..there has to be something underneath to supplement her looks.

[16] lastly, if u have a relationship now.. will u
treasure it?
YES, i treasure all relationships because at this age, before you get into one, you'll seriously consider before you start one. It depends also if the other party treasures it or not, if she doesn't, den i don't think i will.


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