From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Unconditional Love

As the prodigal son returned, his father embraced him, forgave him and kissed him. Despite wasting all of his inheritance on wild living, disappointing him, leaving him...He was forgiven. This is unconditional love. Loving without doubting, suspecting and giving, without expecting anything in return.

As jesus died for us, he gave his all, suffered, died and was buried. All for us, the imperfect people, we are all sinners, we have all broken his heart at one time or another but he doesn't care. He loves us all the same. This is unconditional love.

Are we capable of unconditional love?

Can we continue loving the people who have hurt us, disappointed us, left us, persecuted us?

Is it possible to embrace your enemy in your heart and forgive him?

I know i cannot, but i will keep trying. It will be a goal in my life..



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