From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Did you know...

1) It is physically impossible to lick your elbow

2) Napolean lost the battle of Waterloo partly because he had hemerroids and couldn't observe the battle from horse back.

3) Lighting does strike at the same place twice.

4) It snowed in the sahara in 1979. The only time in living memory

5) Spiders can get caught in their own web.

6) Your sneeze moves at the speed of a hurracaine.

7) One hurracaine generates enough force to equal all the nuclear weapons in the world.

8) In psalm 46 of the bible...if you count 46 words from the start and 46 words from the get "shakesphere"

9) You can't kill yourself by holding your breath, it is physically impossible

10) A normal person would weigh 2 tons on the sun.

11) Oil will run out in our lifetime.

12) A man was struck by lighting 7 times on seperate occasions..he's still alive

13) Carnivores don't eat carcesses of other animals struck by lighting.

14) You can't outrun a crocodile or alligator on land, but you can out manovere it running zig zag.

15) A kick from bruce lee generated 700kg of force

16)Before he died, bruce lee collapsed on the set of his movie "game of death" but refused to be taken to hospital.

17) Landmines now explode 0.3 seconds after you step on it. It is not possible to continue stepping on it and wait for help.

18) A man speaks about 2000 to 3000 words a day...a woman speaks 5000 to 7000.

19) Studies show that men are more likely to get into a motoring accident than women.

20) Sharks don't like the taste of humans, but only after they bite, do they find that out.

21) The first parachute was tested on....a dog.

22) The best way to eliminate spiciness is by drinking milk.

23) The animal that kills the most human beings are....brace yourself...hippos

24) The fastest car in the world is the Mclaren F1 doing 100km/h in 3.2 seconds..and it was built 14 years ago.

25) Humans are the only mammals who can sleep on their backs.



  • At 12:00 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    i got them from a trivia book..number 18 is def true..i have proof..can even get the book to prove it to u


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