From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

> =Name= Christopher Lim

> =Nick= THE fantasizer

> =Skool=Curtin Uni, doing a double major in journalism and marketing

> =D.O.B= 08/12/82

> =Birthplace= Singapore

> =Horoscope= Sag

> =Location= Perth, Bentley, Curtin 12, my room

> =Hp number= Shdn't disclose here

> =Status= single

> =For how long= very very long

> =Height= 172cm

> =Weight= below 63kg

> =Dialect= Cantonese, but can't speak it

> =Religion= Catholic, but all believers in Christ are the same to me...

> =Person love= Plenty..

> =Person Missed= Don't really have anyone specific

> =LaSt=
> ~Person Seen~ last fren seen was michelle lau, other den that..some ppl at sch
> ~Message sent~ an sms to a fren who has a sorethroat
> ~Message received~ can't remember, and lazy 2 check
> ~Call dialled~ To a fren chit chat

> **************QuEsTiOnS**************
> 1. dO yOu GeT jEaLoUs EaSiLy?
> * No, useless emotion
> 2. wHaT hV u Been DoiN fOr tHe pasT feW
> * Work, play, work, play, church, lunches.

> 3.LaSt MoVieS taT u WatCh? wiTh whO?
> * A shark's tale, with dex,mish,chels,niki
> 4.HaVe u cRieD BefOre?
> * When i was born
> 5.SeRioUs iN LOVe BefoRe?
> * I dunno man..
> 6.wHaT iS tHe 1sT tHiNg taT coMes tO uR
> * Tired, i need to sleep and be engulfed by darkness
> 7.FaV soNg? wHy?
> * Hoobastank...The reason....its a nice song, thats why.

> 8.wHaT u pLaNNiN tO dO tiS weeKeNd?:
> * Rest,meet frens..go church

> 9.dO u cLuB? wheRe?
> * Not really into clubbing nowadays

> 10:dO u sMokE?
> * infrequently
> 11.aNy ppLe iN LoVe wiTh u nOw?
> * Lots, there are so many kinds of love, parental love, friendship love..

> 12.dO u pRefeR sMs oR TalkiN oN pHoNe?
> * talk on the phone..its actually cheaper..and more info can be sent across
> 13.R u MissiN suM1 nOw?
> * quite a few in fact.
> 14.wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg NoW?
> * chatting..
> 15.wHen iS tHe LaSt tiMe u ReCeiVe
> * I have NEVER recieved flowers

> 16.1 WoRd tO SaY bOuT u?
> * whimsical

> 17.NaMe ur gOOd fReNz?
> * for what..i know who can already

> 18.wHo u waNa kiSS nOw?
> * >My cats back home

> 19.iN LoVe wiTh aNy1 nOw? whO?

> 20.1 peRsoN whO u wiSh tO sPeNd uR LiFe
> witH
> * There are like one or two ppl



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