From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Pls God, help me to rediscover my focus this semester. Lost so much drive and passion and I'm desperately trying to find motivation to do anything. Always distracted with all the small and unimportant issues when I should be concentrating and looking at the bigger picture.

Life is always going up and down, I wish it would be abit more consistent. Well, thats probably cause I'm not strong enough, its too ez to shake my faith when life goes downhill. Same old story..same old story...

I need to suppress my cynical side..

The cynicism that was imbued in me as I grew up, because we live in an imperfect world.

If I concentrate, I'm 16 for a moment, and I'm happy, no worries, I'm relaxed and uninhibited. But I'm no longer 16 and it always hits me in the head, to leave my stupid habits behind. Really pisses me off that I'm still struggling with smoking..
quit..quit..quit..sometimes in my room just feel like hitting my head against the wall.

I'm so typically Singaporean..concerned with all the material things, trying to draw meaning out of them..but I can't..because there isn't any meaning in them. No meaning in my meaning in my illusions of granduer and no meaning in my stupid car...

Something is missing..something is missing...

And its something that no amount of money in the world can buy...

Jehovah provider..I need your grace to make this life suffice...


  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger Mishi said…

    Amen! all things will pass away. Only the things unseen will stand! He will make ur life suffice!

  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger blueblood said…

    Try this...

    The next time you are picking up the stick, raise it up to Heaven and tell Jesus "Jesus, I'm laying it down at your feet". Throw it away.

    The thing is to start focusing on Him instead of you yourself trying to quit smoking... because in the end, if you focus on yourself to quit, you will start again in no time.

    I have a friend who used to be heavy smoker and he quit overnight because he told God that he's going to depend wholly on Him to quit his bad habit...

    Also... you're not typically singaporean... you're just typically human. Same goes for me and everyone reading this too... we're imperfect humans living in a imperfect world. Thank God greater is He(God) who is in us than he(satan) who is in this world..

    His Grace is already upon you since 2000 years ago, and God smiles everytime He sees you wanting to quit smoking for Him.

    He will take them all... *hum*

    Christ's beloved... !

  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    Thanx guys...=)

  • At 9:43 PM, Blogger Ting said…

    Chris Lim BOLEH!

  • At 6:19 AM, Blogger The Lion Roars said…

    Just wanna say, Chris, I really admire your courage man. Because I can feel the struggle on quiting smoking. You're better than people who live in denial of their addictions man.

    Glad to have known you man.


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