From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I was reading through a website:

For those of you who wish to be an intelligent Singaporean, please give this site a read. Its inquisitive, funny, informative, enlightening and features the blogs of real intelligent people. Not talentless people who gripe about unimportant issues (Xiaxue).

In a blog I read how an ANG MO, told his Singaporean friend that Singaporeans behave like pigs. Determined to prove that these were just the minority, the Singaporean embarked on a couple of tests to prove this. He was utterly disappointed in the end: THE ANG MO, was totally right.

In the MRT, he noted how people crowd around the entrances, blocking people who were trying to get out. He noted how no one gave up their seats for pregnant ladies, the ones who gave up their seats were THAI WORKERS.Imagine that!!

The Singaporean noted how people indiscriminately leave their food and trash behind in fastfood outlets, foodcourts and overflowing trash bins.

He noted when a lady with her baby pram wanted to board a lift in the MRT, she was told sharply by a smartly dressed executive "Aiyah, why can't u take the next one?"

I read an article where someone from the IMF commented "wow, Singapore is so clean!". His claims were refuted by a Singaporean who said "that's not true, we just have alot of cleaners"

Mind you, I am the first to admit I don't take public transport. I'm lucky enough to have a car to drive (road manners is bad also). I have experienced all these when I was younger though and these are genuine situations, they happen everyday.

This post is not new from my blog, I've always complained about filthy toilets in MRTs and hawker centres. How people are still determined to squat on the toilet seat, because they are afraid they will contract HIV. How some men are still determined to pee without lifting the toilet seat up, maybe because they are afraid to touch the toilet seat, which is of course, soooo deadly.

Liong Choon once commented (yes i rem) that these are just the minority of uneducated 'uncles' who soil Singapore's image as a gracious society. I'm not too sure about that.

Stress, lack of time, peer-pressure : These are terrible excuses for bad social behaviour. This is an issue beyond being educated or not. This is an issue about upbringing, graciousness, empathy and plain consideration.

The MRT issue has been a debacle for a long long time, I remember when I was 16, it was a problem, 8 years on, its still a damn problem. People simply don't care.

I have a neighbour in Pine Grove who lives directly opposite me, he's been my neighbour for at least 20 years. He has two children who are in secondary school. When I was a small kid selling tickets to help the poor, he flatly told me he wasn't interested. His wife is anti-social just like him and once she saw me running for the lift, she purposely closed the lift cause she didn't want to wait for me. Perhaps I run faster when I'm angry, but I stuck my arm inbetween the closing doors and pryed open the lift.

When my cat puked outside his unit, he wrapped the puke up in newspaper and threw it infront of my front door!!WTF...WHY??! Why was there a need for that??? Thankfully, he has had his retribution. His daugther grew up to be very ugly, inheriting her mother's jaw, which resembles an ORC from Lord of The Rings. His son grew up short and pudgy, with a bad haircut and a very weird deep voice. Neighbours for 20 years and till today, they don't even say hi, nor do they hold the lift for me.

Sigh, Singaporeans....I don't want to generalise, I have many great Singaporean friends. But really Ugly behaviour is EVERYWHERE. Try caring about people other than yourself..and for heaven's sake..PLEASE STOP ABUSING/ABANDONING animals!!


  • At 3:42 AM, Blogger psyencex said…

    i don't remember saying that!

    i repent!

  • At 6:22 PM, Blogger blueblood said…

    I've read it and it an interesting letter to the forum... but to say "singaporeans are pigs" were really uncalled for.

    Its the mindset lah. There's no transformation without the renewing of mindsets.

    Do a check on yourself.. do you behave in the same manner as described? For sure I know I don't and also you don't and majority of my friend doesn't either.

    Human are always finding faults lah.

    Oh.. but no denying that i always noticed the females are the one blocking the entrances (at yishun mrt), rushing and grabbing the seats in cabins... interestingly I always count the ratio of male and female sitting down during morning peak hours... females usually takes up 7-8 out of 10 seats in a single row. interesting facts.

  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    Thats interesting, that you notice more females block the entrance than males. Mindsets regarding to social behavour: you would expect it to improve with more people being educated nowadays. Sadly, its not true i guess.

  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger dexter said…

    hmm..I believe that though Singapore has progressed economically, we still have a LONG way to go in terms of being 'people'


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