From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Last week of school, finally after a long semester i can look forward to a well deserved break. However, still the little problem of my assignments i need to hand up. It should be no problem though, although i'm going to fall short of my aims this semester..

Nari is finally leaving Perth, its been nice having her around, with all her usual suspects of coz. Finally something that brightened up my days here in Perth, but now that she's going, i can finally get back to my work good and proper..heh.

The girls of broadway are losing it, they're really nuts, haha laughing at almost everything. It is infectious laughter, but its totally senseless..haha..I think it must be the weather.

Going to watch netball game tom, go mish! ahh..erm..and watch THE DAY AFTER TOM. Which looked pretty good actually, I won't be paying for this movie myself for specific reasons.

Going to sleep now, tired as hell. SLept the day away yet still so tired. It must be the weather.



  • At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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