From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I was driving the other day...thinking about some stuff..

1)Why do Aussie students in their 20s love to drive past Asians and make stupid faces, its horribly irritating. Even when I drive at like 60km/h, I get Aussie kids making monkey faces at me when they drive past.MOST of the time, I really can't be bothered.

2)Journalism tutors all have attitude problems, they teach with an aura of arrogance cause they've worked in the REAL world and we as students are inferior animals...hiaz..

3) I realised Liong Choon, can sometimes be abit bo liao..hahahhaa

4) I realised Singapore girls can't really cook..haha..

5) I realised I'm only JOKINGLY MCP, I'm not a real MCP..

6) Bubble tea only takes about 50cents to make...but it sells for 3bucks...WE R ALL BEING CHEATED!!

7)I realised I'm a very very slow driver..

8) I realised Curtin has much better facilities than UWA, sure...they have a nice clock...thats about it..

9) I realised Garry looks quite old for someone so young..he got LAO JIAO (old timer) face..

10) I realised...I still don't have speeding fines....muahahaha...


  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger psyencex said…

    Your blog is great :P

  • At 4:32 AM, Blogger psyencex said…

    oh wait. it's interesting

    i read the first comment as

    "your blog is great only if you have a health issue". such words of comfort

  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger Garry said…

    yeah we are sure you'd be interested in "does glyco help nutrient" blah blah blah

    yeah i agreed with that...uwa has poor facilities...but it's the quality that matters right? haha all i can say is - curtin is fed by a lot of "i-came-here-to-have-fun" kind of filthy rich kids...

    no offense though keke

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Garry said…

    i forgot to add this part

    SHAME ON THEM! haha

    no offense once again...

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger Chris said… offence taken

    After all, your car did cost more than mine..=)

  • At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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