From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Just a thought

If everyone in SG turned on their aircon full blast and opened their u think SG would be colder in general? How cool would that be right?

Wonder if the army could convert their rations into toothpaste-like gel? So if you want roast just simply eat squeeze the gel out of the tube and eat it..

I think if Singapore didn't have Bangalahs..the economy would collapse...

If Singapore's GDP grew by 8% last year and the Government just created 10,000 new jobs, how come 40% of the population is earning less then they did 5 years ago.

I bet if housing loan interest rates rose by 1%, most people would be unable to pay for their homes..

ERP is there so that people will be dissuaded from travelling along congested areas. PLS LOR...99% of the people who go through there HAVE to go through there. At the end of the day its still all about $$$.

What exactly is the role of the Singapore President? Seems like the Prime Minister makes all the decisions..

Speeding doesn't kill, stopping suddenly does...

Why do they call it the recoiless rifle when there obviously is a hell lot of recoil?

Why did they name the SAR21 after a killer virus?

The rule that if you're single, you can only buy a HDB when u reach 35, is freaking retarded...means if u dun marry, have to stay with parents until 35???

Building a new casino will generate more income for the state. It also implies the House always wins. And on top of housing and car loans...ppl will start having to pay off their gambling debts. Its the ERA of the loanshark...

Why are Russian female tennis players always so hot? Must be something to do with Vodka.

They only allow cars into Sentosa but not motocycles...why? That's like discrimination. Get rid of that damn rule and maybe Sentosa will make more money.

Its retarded that cats aren't allowed in HDB flats..they don't even go out of the hse once u have them neutered. So many poor animals on the street and the govt prevents ppl from adopting them.



  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger Mishi said…

    haha u have a range of really random thoughts chris.

    i can answer the question about the Role of the President tho. Because our government is based on the parliamentary system- the PM obviously is head of government and the President head of state- his role is strictly ceremonial, and to add checks to the government. (read what happened to Ong teng Cheong when he disagreed with the PAP on some stuff). Altho the president's role is not technically very effective, Nathan still holds powers of "veto-ing" decisions and powers of granting amnesty to criminals. If that's really anything much. But its also for unity's and nation-building's sake that he's there. ;p

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Fudge in mouth said…

    great stuuff. ruminate more, Chris. For that we all learn something new everyday!

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger dexter said…

    so if the PM is the head of the government and the President head of state...

    then answer me this..who is the rear admiral head of?

    his REAR?



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