From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Her MP father is right, that means we're all wrong.

I spotted the article in the ST yesterday, my eyes lit up with anticipation. I believed that an apology was coming, a heartfelt apology that would have soothed the pain of a near fatal stab wound to the general public. I read through the article, once, twice and thrice.

It wasn't an apology...I complained to my mother, utterly dismayed by Wee Siew Kim's comments (her father). He defended his daughter, probably because he was the one who instilled those radical notions in that little head of hers.

"I feel her privacy was invaded, after all it was her blog"

Dear Lord, I pray for this poor man for he does not know the internet is a public domain. Some people were recently jailed for racist comments and apparently, their privacy wasn't invaded.

"Nonetheless, I have counselled her to learn from it. Some people cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of language, so she ought to learn from it."

So now its our fault, we cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of langauge. I assure you after serving army, I can take any type of langauge, I can even add to your daughter's vocabulary. Derek Wee was wrong to fear for his job? Statistics in Singapore have already proved that no matter how skilled you are, if you get retrenched around 40, you're pretty much doomed. Why do you think there are taxi drivers with degrees?

"I think if you cut through the insensitivity of the language, her basic point is reasonable, that is, that a well-educated university graduate who works for a multinational company should not be bemoaning about the Government and get on with the challenges in life."

If you stop bringing in so much foreign talent (FT), then maybe we won't bemoan so much. How about some age discrimination laws, which prevents companies from getting rid of older workers to keep the wage low and everyone in constant suffering? Well-educated so what? Cannot find job what...duh. FYI our FTs in SG, just earn their money and scoot off to spend it elsewhere, they don't even inject it back into the economy! Apart from the insensitivity, her basic point is reasonable? (pronounced as ree son na ble). You cannot just blast people first and expect them to listen to your 'reasonable' point. Anyway on closer analysis, its not even reasonable.

"The new media of the Internet is such that if you don’t like what she has said, you have the right of rebuttal."

Thanx hor, think we already knew that. Thats why internet is a two way medium, not like TV or Radio *slaps forehead*.

"I will not gag her, since she’s 18 and should be able to stand by what she says."

She got stand by what she says meh? Kena hamtam on the net den st8 away shut down her blog and flee behind her father. Where is her public apology? NVM, written one can liao. WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? If she stands by what she said, then why are you the one addressing the public?

Apology (pronounced as 'A POR LOH GEE'): pls go to and see what it means. If you think you're right, pls dun apologise. If you think you're right den give some sort of fake apology, its even worse. (eg. I'm sorry you are stupid)

EVEN RJC is disappointed in her, how come you're not? You are her lao pei what, how come you not disappointed? Instead you say we are whiners. Derek Wee is a taxpayer're daughter is going to use taxpayers money for her future scholarship lah, not poor thing meh?

PLS look at all the great men in Singapore, all suffer like mad at first, then become what they are today. Dunno why ur daughter is classified 'elite' when she only cause other ppl to suffer.


WEE SHU MIN WAS SEEN LAUGHING AT THE COMMENTS ON THE INTERNET, NOT SORRY AT ALL HOR.If only life is so song, can do anything you want den run behind parents.


  • At 5:17 AM, Blogger psyencex said…

    guess what. there is this picture of her floating around in hardwarezone forum.

    as expected.

    she is as ugly (if not uglier) as her elitist attitude! super big mole. can a mole get any bigger than that?

  • At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Perhaps, we are making a 'mole' out of a mountain. No doubt, the mole is quite big.

    I won't say she is ugly, just not pretty. And, heaven is fair, she is been given just a slightly more amount of IQ but not a beautiful face.

    Now, it is alright to have an ordinary face, but it is not if you have a flawed character!


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