From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Monday, March 05, 2007

When I ask, I irritate you
When I don't ask, I have no initiative

When I do, you say lousy
When I not sure, I'm being lazy

When I take initiative, I am trying to act smart
When I wait, I'm not interested

When I'm not sure you say ask, but when i ask you say I dunno how to rely on myself
When I don't ask and try to figure out, i'm unproductive

If I screw up, you scold me.
If I do well, you ask if I did it myself

When I explain myself, I am arguing
If I keep quiet, I'm admitting liability

Everything also wrong. Feel like dying.

"Why do people take drugs? Is it because of the emptiness inside? So I wonder, which is scarier? Drugs or emptiness"

"If you have money, you also need to live life to spend it."

"If happiness is money, and money is happiness. Then I have very little of both. If happiness is finding joy in what you do. Then I have nothing at all."


  • At 11:30 PM, Blogger blueblood said…

    relax man... some little argument issit?

    Hey... it is said that nobody is perfect in this world. However, I'm often referred to as a "nobody" by somebody. Therefore, I think I'm perfect.



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