From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

One of those lil quizzes

Name: Christopher Lim

Age: 25 this year

Height: 172cm

Gender: Male, the last time i checked.

Eye colour: Black & white

Occupation: Subject to change in the near future.

Favourite food: hokkien mee, but cutting back on that

Favourite past-time: Driving at night, but not so much anymore. Now it's MAGIC

Most spoken words: "Huh? Did I do something wrong?"

Favourite person: My gf & my cats (although my cats aren't ppl)

Least favourite person: People who know me will know the answer to this. He tortures me regularly.

Pet Peeve: Singaporeans who have no manners, no social graces and have no regard for anyone apart from themselves in a public setting. Which is actually most of the population.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you teared: When PM Lee said that our Ministers are underpaid.

Biggest wish: perfect eyesight, which I'm gonna have after the 24 of MAY!

Biggest regret: Not realising that front-wheel drive cars CAN and WILL oversteer.

Biggest lie: I once told a fat guy that I used to be fat too, to encourage him to lose weight. The truth is, I have never been really fat. But it's a lie with good intention.

Biggest splurge: believe it or not, it was a new PS2 many years ago, cost me about 600bucks.

Most important thing you've learned this year: People who smile all the time are dangerous, I now refer to such people as "smiling tigers".

Least important lesson: Ass-kissing, I still won't do that, no matter what.

Current thoughts: Why is the govt so proud that we have uncles/aunties working until their 70s as cleaners and at mcdonalds? It's a big lie that these people want to work because they have nothing to do, they work because they have not enough to tide them till death. I wouldn't want to be working in my 70s so cut the crap.


  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hallo chris! Dropped in to say hi.
    Glad you love your cats. I got a new dog too. -Louise

  • At 7:13 PM, Blogger blueblood said…

    once upon a time, I was fat.

    Lo and behold.

    I still am.


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