From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

What Women Mean When They Say..........

Do I look fat in this? --> Say no and there will be no casulties.

Am I fat? --> I don't want the truth

I'm not angry --> I'm furious

I have a headache --> No sex tonight honey..

I'm going to meet my girlfriends --> I'm going to gossip and shop

We'll always be friends --> I'm rejecting you

What? You bought a sports car?? --> I could have bought thousands of shoes

Lets have a baby --> You're not getting away from me.

I'm not talking to you forever! --> Apologise now and we can talk

We need to talk --> You're going to get it

Are you free? --> Lets go shopping

Are you married? --> I like you alot..

Dear, how are you feeling? You know I love you so much --> I wrecked your car

You don't know what i want!! --> Neither do I

I'm going to kill you --> I'm going to kill you.


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