From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Friday, November 05, 2004


An escapist....

1)Knows the truth inside yet doesn't want to acknowledge it.

2)Knows the facts but chooses to brush it off.

3)Knows he/she's in the wrong but says nothing and banks on peoples' understanding

4)Avoid settling matters, when it can be settled and puts it off.

5)Knows someone is suffering, but turns away

6)Blaming other people, without looking at oneself

7)Beliving that your own problems, are bigger than everyones.

8)Knowing that what you say can make a difference, yet say nothing because of pride

9)Cannot acknowledge you are in the wrong, without defending yourself

10)Getting angry over nothing, but will not take the same treatment in return

11)Blame GOd when things go wrong

12)Blame fate, when you could have changed it

13)Can be accomodated but cannot accomodate

14)Agree to do things they cannot do, but choose to agree for people approval.


If you have been comforted in troubled times, do not hesitate to spread that gratitude that has been shown to you. What is care, when it is not shown? A simple word or a simple gesture, can go a long way. When you know that what you say can make a difference, make a difference. Don't run away, unless you want other people to turn their backs on you.