From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Well, I've almost forgotten that I have a blog. Sheesh. Well time flies and I have to go back to Perth soon. On the 11th of Feb, I'll be flying off. I had great fun these holidays, hanging out with closer friends this holidays made me rediscover the ties I have back here in Singapore. Then again, all good things must come to an end. And my fourth semester beckons.

Its been a period of self-discovery for me, I've learned alot this holidays. Several Zion people came to Singapore to visit. It was nice to see them and bringing them out and ard was pretty fun. Still haven't found a place to stay in Perth. Guess I'll have to hurry up and find one soon. Or else I'll be in trouble. haha.

This post is pretty random, I can't seem to organise my thoughts. I'm pretty worried about how next sem is going to be. I already know i'm taking two units that are VERY heavy in one semester. Can't imagine failing anything and extending my term of study. Be keeping a hold of my car in Perth, buying another car is super troublesome.

I need to make some resolutions. Next sem I need to go out less and stay at home more. Even if i'm not doing anything, at least I save money. I DON'T NEED TO DRINK BBL TEA. (If u add it up..over a semester..its like afew hundred..not kidding)

Bleah..hopefully it will be more exciting next semester.



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