From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Its been enjoyable, spending time at home, with my family and cats. Been going out with friends and eating great food. Right now, I feel so relaxed and I'm really relieved at the chance of just slacking around and spacing out..

My current priorities are firstly, to get my fitness back. I'm fat, YES I'm fat. I gained alot of weight in Australia this semester and I need to start running and hitting the gym more often. Well its kinda hard cause i eat like a Pig and sleep like a log..haha but I shall try.

This holiday is abit of a revelation, I realise that I need to make up my mind about alot of things and I'm putting it off. Thats just so me. But hey, I'll be back for 3 months. The weather has been terrible, its either raining or its cloudy, I don't think I've experienced a bright sunny day since I came home...

My learning experience in Perth this sem, I feel, has really made me a better person. In terms of interpersonal relationships and responsiblities. Finally, I've gone a full semester in Perth, and haven't been bored, which is amazing to most people. Ha, I probably will find it very hard to leave that place, when the time comes.

Anyway, to those people still in Perth, hope you guys are getting on well and I wish you guys the best of holidays...



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