From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


1) Its ok to kiss a fool, its ok to let a fool kiss you, but never let a kiss fool you.

2) There is no such thing as stealing someone from his/her relationship, because you cannot steal something that doesn't want to be stolen.

3) Anger is more useful than despair, but forgiveness is still the best.

4) Problems don't go away if you ignore them, but sometimes they don't go away if you address them either.

5) Learn to let go, better to be selfless than selfish.

6) Learn to seperate love from infatuation. A person's looks will be more attractive if you learn how to appriciate what's inside.

7) Reserve bluntness for your close friends, reserve tact for others.

8) Good looking people always get ahead in life, live with it.

9) You are never a fucked up person if you're heart is in the right place.

10) Never say "I love you" if you're not sure, try saying " I enjoy your company."

11) Go to church for the right reasons, if not, don't go at all.

12) One-sided love is very painful, even denial hurts less.

13) Never open your VTEC in the city, because there are police ( sighz )

14) Never tell someone you like them, if you think they're going to avoid you after that.

15) Always consider people before considering yourself.

16) Never spread rumors, if you hate people talking about you.

17) A person who takes other people for granted, will never be a good girlfriend/boyfriend, no matter how nicely he/she treats you.

18) Don't lose hope because everyone that made it, probably failed the first time.

19) People will find you nice, not because of what you do, but why you do it.

20) Life is unfair, take it on the chin or take it in the groin.



  • At 7:01 PM, Blogger Mishi said…

    mm... surprisingly this all makes sense chris...
    U can come down from the mountaintop in the hilly areas now.... :)

  • At 9:08 PM, Blogger dexter said…

    eh Chris,
    nice posts..but sadly, people will always take people for granted...its inevietable and furthermore how you gonna really know if theyre really gonna avoid ya man...these kinda things very hard to tell.... we expect this and that this and that...

    mind the spelling arh...Im in the midst of studying for the exams...theory sucks man....but what to of my speaking of which hows the weather there ah? pls dont talk to me about the food..I know mish is already in 7th heaven with the indian curry and I think Abel will be too..sigh...I WANT MY MURTABAK!!!!!!!

  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    To mish: What do you mean it makes sense, of coz it makes sense! i always make sense!

    To dex: Agreed with what you say that people will always take things for granted, and as for how would you know if that person would avoid you if you tell him/her how you feel. Most of the time, you can never be sure,just try to calculate the probability, if the risk is too high and you value the friendship too much, maybe its best, if you say nothing at all.


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