From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Terrible day..a parking fine and a car accident...

Ok, Sunday began as a nice, bright and sunny. Picked up Melissa Goh to go join the rest of the church peeps for tim sum...Tim sum was alright, i found it quite nice. was the most expensive tim sum ever, because after i went out..i found a parking fine on my windscreen wiper. 100 bucks....100 @#$%^&*()_ BUCKS!!!!! Thats extortion. They didn't even denote properly you couldn't park there..ok..i was slightly mood wasn't spoilt yet.

I den proceeded to fetch Mel home..(turns out Mel also got fined 100 bucks last week). In the car, i kept lamenting on how ludicrous a 100 aussie buck fine was...and as i was approching the traffic junction, there was this idiot...IDIOT!!!! He was day dreaming and suddenly jam braked at the traffic light...the catch is.....the light was green..So he jam braked, the car in front of me, and i jam braked............The woman behind me also jam braked...just that she did it about 4 weeks too late. As a result..She ran right into my bumper....(ALL THIS HAPPENED 10 MINS AFTER I GOT FINED).

The car who caused the accident, obviously sped off. If he believed in God...i was going to arrange a meeting for him. So now...i was really really really peeved. I got out of the car...cursed abit...and i saw the timid woman driver behind me..She was about my age. And she was pretty scared and shaking..and i just couldn't bring myself to raise my voice at her...SIGHZ..
the damage to my car wasn't bad..but there were some nasty scratches..she on the other hand...had it far worse. I helped her check her see if everything inside the hood was alright and i went off...not before getting her contact number of coz..

Poor old mel goh..sitting in my car..i think she was pretty scared also la...but ok..i regained my composure after awhile. Still had that sick feeling in my gut about how unlucky i was though..

Later had some bubble tea to calm my nerves..drove around the anger out of me..

later at night went to catch the charity shield match with mish at trinity!!

at least one good thing happened today..


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