From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Friday, July 30, 2004

My Advice To A Better Life...

Ok, lets begin. I'm sure you've been in the position which someone has said some very unkind things about you. Even worse if what he/she has said is totally baseless. Well, people like this exist. So i guess you have to live with it. Rumors rumors rumors, hah, well, i guess i'm no stranger to rumors...I believe its partly due to the way i behave or my actions or whatever, doesn't really matter though. Well if its one thing in life i've learnt is that you can't control stuff like this. Sometimes you meet a person, wrong time, wrong place and you say something wrong. Suay suay, that person is going to hate you, despite you not doing anything to that person..this happens ALOT..

There are people who simply cannot accept the fact that a guy is perfectly capable of maintaining a platonic friendship with another girl (probably because they are unable to do it themselves ). What a sad sad sad life these people lead. This isn't really aimed at anyone specific, but you got to admit it does happen and i know afew ppl who are like that.

OOOOH's the advice anyway, there are people you care about and people who care for you. These people should be enough for you to live your life with contentment and full of laughter. If you bother about every little thing  everyone says about you, you're going to lead a very miserable life...

So i say, apart from the people you care about....the rest of the world can kiss your yourself the trouble..



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