ARMY sterotypes and terms
Sotong /blur king- Typically a soldier who is unable to comprehend instructions and has limited mental capacity. Often makes a hash of his designated responsibilities. Under pressure, he is unable to function to the best of his abilities and is often left with his mouth gaping, as he anticipates a scolding from his sergeant.
Champion- The biggest blur king / sotong in the platoon. 'Champion' is a derogatory title sarcastically denoting a person as the worst of the lot. Being called a 'Champion' is NOT a good thing and is not to be confused with its real meaning.
Siao on Kia- A person of this type is highly likely to sign on although some NSF often qualifty for this tag. A siao on kia usually echos commands the loudest and is the first to take action whenever leadership is required. He is the sergeant's favourite pet and his unspoken status often leads to jealousy among his peers.
Wayang- A wayang on the surface, has many traits similar to a siao on kia. However, he only works hard when the superiors are watching. Under normal circumstances, he can be known to be a lazy bum. Superiors often have trouble distinguishing the Siao ons from the Wayangs and many wayangs are often able to make it to OCS, making OCS lose credibility among other soldiers.
Chao Keng Kia- A chao keng kia has no interest in the army whatsoever, his greatest wish is to become a clerk with regular office hours and no physical activities. A CCK will find any excuse to report sick or injured. He will take advantage of any medical condition to book out from camp. Once outside of camp however, they have been known to exhibit more than capable physical capailities in sports. Deep in every NSF's heart, they wish to be a CCK.
Condemmned- A Chao Keng Kia who is injured or sick so often that everyone believes he is faking. He has little friends, and if he does, they are all of the same type.
Sandwich situation- Typically denotes a situation for sergeants. The men for some reason are unable to work or maybe even not willing. The officers exert downward pressure on the sergeants to control their subordinates. Bearing the brunt at both ends has come to be called a sandwich situation. See also 'shit-rolls-downwards' syndrome.
Russo Sen Ja ta (not sure if correct spelling)- A malay command to raise and shoulder your rifle. However, soldiers have been known to jokingly shout this command whenever a woman walks past. Thus 'Russo sen ja ta' also means having an erection / hard-on
Du lang Sen Ja ta (not sure if correct spelling)- A malay command to lower your rifle. Soldiers have been known to shout this command when an extremely unattractive lady walks past, (ie. Canteen Auntie)
My wife- often refers to ones' rifle instead of the literal meaning. It came about because a rifle is supposed to follow the soldier around wherever he goes. This is impossible for a real wife to do in real life.
"Go eat Thai Chicken Rice"- Which is also a coded meaning for "i'm going to look for a thai prostitute"
"Sad Sob Story"- Or called called SSS, which is a term for a situation when a girlfriend leaves her boyfriend whilst he is still serving