From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


"Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry." - SM Goh

"I don't think that there should be a cap on the number of directorship that a person can hold." - PAP MP John Chen who holds 8 directorships.

"It's not for the money because some of the companies pay me as little as $10,000 a year." - PAP MP Wang Kai Yuen who holds 11 directorships.

"If you want to dance on a bar top, some of us will fall off the bar Top. Some people will die as a result of liberalising bar top dancing... a young girl with a short skirt dancing on it may attract some insults from some other men, the boyfriend will start fighting and some people will die." - Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports

"I would want to form an alternative policies group in Parliament, comprising 20 PAP MPs. These 20 PAP MPs will be free to vote in accordance with what they think of a particular policy. In other words, the whip for them will be lifted. This is not playing politics, this is something which I think is worthwhile doing." - SM Goh

"If you sing Jailhouse Rock with your electric guitar when others are playing Beethoven, you are out of order. The whip must be used on you." - SM Goh again, on a dramatic u-turn, rethink or backtrack, whatever you call it.

"Save on one hairdo and use the money for breast screening." - another gem from Lim Hng Kiang

"We started off with (the name) and after looking at everything, the name that really tugged at the heartstrings was in front of us. The name itself is not new, but what has been used informally so far has endeared itself to all parties." - Mah Bow Tan on the $400,000 exercise to rename Marina Bay as Marina Bay.

"Having enjoyed football as a national sport for decades, we in Singapore have set ourselves the target of reaching the final rounds of World Cup in 2010." - Ho Peng Kee

"Only 5% are unemployed. We still have 95% who are employed." - Yeo Cheow Tong

"Singaporean workers have become more expensive than those in the USA and Australia." - Tony Tan

"People support CPF cuts because there are no protest outside parliament." - PM Lee

"No, it was not a U-turn, and neither was it a reversal of government policy. But you can call it a rethink." - Yeo Cheow Tong

"...I regret making the decision because, in the end, the baby continued to be in intensive care, and KKH now runs up a total bill of more than $300,000..." - Lim Hng Kiang, regretting the decision to save a baby's life because KKH ran up a $300,000 bill

Thursday, October 26, 2006

ALAS..We have another Elite RJC student who thinks Derek Wee is an idiot. He is 17 years old and yes, hasn't worked a day in his life. He apparently agrees with Wee Shu Min that Derek is an idiot because he 'consulted' his RJC senior and they came to a conclusion that he was an idiot

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Although it would have been easier if you said sorry from the start. I accept your apology in the ST dated 26/10/2006. Finally, Singaporeans can move on with life.
Her MP father is right, that means we're all wrong.

I spotted the article in the ST yesterday, my eyes lit up with anticipation. I believed that an apology was coming, a heartfelt apology that would have soothed the pain of a near fatal stab wound to the general public. I read through the article, once, twice and thrice.

It wasn't an apology...I complained to my mother, utterly dismayed by Wee Siew Kim's comments (her father). He defended his daughter, probably because he was the one who instilled those radical notions in that little head of hers.

"I feel her privacy was invaded, after all it was her blog"

Dear Lord, I pray for this poor man for he does not know the internet is a public domain. Some people were recently jailed for racist comments and apparently, their privacy wasn't invaded.

"Nonetheless, I have counselled her to learn from it. Some people cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of language, so she ought to learn from it."

So now its our fault, we cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of langauge. I assure you after serving army, I can take any type of langauge, I can even add to your daughter's vocabulary. Derek Wee was wrong to fear for his job? Statistics in Singapore have already proved that no matter how skilled you are, if you get retrenched around 40, you're pretty much doomed. Why do you think there are taxi drivers with degrees?

"I think if you cut through the insensitivity of the language, her basic point is reasonable, that is, that a well-educated university graduate who works for a multinational company should not be bemoaning about the Government and get on with the challenges in life."

If you stop bringing in so much foreign talent (FT), then maybe we won't bemoan so much. How about some age discrimination laws, which prevents companies from getting rid of older workers to keep the wage low and everyone in constant suffering? Well-educated so what? Cannot find job what...duh. FYI our FTs in SG, just earn their money and scoot off to spend it elsewhere, they don't even inject it back into the economy! Apart from the insensitivity, her basic point is reasonable? (pronounced as ree son na ble). You cannot just blast people first and expect them to listen to your 'reasonable' point. Anyway on closer analysis, its not even reasonable.

"The new media of the Internet is such that if you don’t like what she has said, you have the right of rebuttal."

Thanx hor, think we already knew that. Thats why internet is a two way medium, not like TV or Radio *slaps forehead*.

"I will not gag her, since she’s 18 and should be able to stand by what she says."

She got stand by what she says meh? Kena hamtam on the net den st8 away shut down her blog and flee behind her father. Where is her public apology? NVM, written one can liao. WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? If she stands by what she said, then why are you the one addressing the public?

Apology (pronounced as 'A POR LOH GEE'): pls go to and see what it means. If you think you're right, pls dun apologise. If you think you're right den give some sort of fake apology, its even worse. (eg. I'm sorry you are stupid)

EVEN RJC is disappointed in her, how come you're not? You are her lao pei what, how come you not disappointed? Instead you say we are whiners. Derek Wee is a taxpayer're daughter is going to use taxpayers money for her future scholarship lah, not poor thing meh?

PLS look at all the great men in Singapore, all suffer like mad at first, then become what they are today. Dunno why ur daughter is classified 'elite' when she only cause other ppl to suffer.


WEE SHU MIN WAS SEEN LAUGHING AT THE COMMENTS ON THE INTERNET, NOT SORRY AT ALL HOR.If only life is so song, can do anything you want den run behind parents.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

This post was written by a girl called WEE SHU MIN. She was from the GEP stream and is a purebred Rafflesian. She topped the 'O' levels in 2004 and her father is an MP. She recently blogged an entry which promptly got her slammed to the ground..She critcised a man called Derek Wee. You guys can judge for yourselves..Here is her post.

mom's friend sent her some blog post by some bleeding stupid 40-year old singaporean called derek wee (WHY do all the idiots have my surname why?!) whining about how singapore is such an insecure place, how old ppl (ie, 40 and above) fear for their jobs, how the pool of foreign "talent" (dismissively chucked between inverted commas) is really a tsunami that will consume us all (no actually he didn't say that, he probably said Fouren Talern Bery Bad.), how the reason why no one wants kids is that they're a liability in this world of fragile ricebowls, how the government really needs to save us from inevitable doom but they aren't because they are stick-shoved-up-ass elites who have no idea how the world works, yadayadayadayada.

i am inclined - too much, perhaps - to dismiss such people as crackpots. stupid crackpots. the sadder class. too often singaporeans - both the neighborhood poor and the red-taloned socialites - kid themselves into believing that our society, like most others, is compartmentalized by breeding. ridiculous. we are a tyranny of the capable and the clever, and the only other class is the complement.

sad derek attracted more than 50 comments praising him for his poignant views, joining him in a chorus of complaints that climax at the accusation of lack of press freedom because his all-too-true views had been rejected by the straits times forum. while i tend to gripe about how we only have one functioning newspaper too, i think the main reason for its lack of publication was that his incensed diatribe was written in pathetic little scraps that passed off as sentences, with poor spelling and no grammar.

derek, derek, derek darling, how can you expect to have an iron ricebowl or a solid future if you cannot spell?

if you're not good enough, life will kick you in the balls. that's just how things go. there's no point in lambasting the government for making our society one that is, i quote, "far too survival of fittest". it's the same everywhere. yes discrimination exists, and it is sad, but most of the time if people would prefer hiring other people over you, it's because they're better. it's so sad when people like old derek lament the kind of world that singapore will be if we make it so uncertain. go be friggin communist, if uncertainty of success offends you so much - you will certainly be poor and miserable. unless you are an arm-twisting commie bully, which, given your whiny middle-class undereducated penchant, i doubt.

then again, it's easy for me to say. my future isn't certain but i guess right now it's a lot brighter than most people's. derek will read this and brand me as an 18-year old elite, one of the sinners who will inherit the country and run his stock to the gutter. go ahead. the world is about winners and losers. it's only sad when people who could be winners are marginalised and oppressed. is dear derek starving? has dear derek been denied an education? has dear derek been forced into child prostitution? has dear derek had his clan massacred by the government?

i should think not. dear derek is one of many wretched, undermotivated, overassuming leeches in our country, and in this world. one of those who would prefer to be unemployed and wax lyrical about how his myriad talents are being abandoned for the foreigner's, instead of earning a decent, stable living as a sales assistant. it's not even about being a road sweeper. these shitbags don't want anything without "manager" and a name card.

please, get out of my elite uncaring face.

posted at 12:08 PM


Derek Wee's original commentary which prompted Ms Wee's response above.

By Derek Wee
Oct 12, 2006

When I read the Straits Times article (dated 24 Sep) on PM Lee calling the young to be committed and make a difference to Singapore, I have so much thought about the issue.

I am 35 years old, graduated from University and gainfully employed in a multinational company. But I cannot help but feel insecure over the future of Singapore. Lets face it, it's not uncommon to hear, "when you are above 40, you are over the hill".

The government has been stressing on re-training, skills upgrading and re-adapt. The fact is, no matter how well qualified or adaptable one is, once you hit the magical 40, employers will say, "you are simply too old".

We have been focusing our resources and problem solving on low unskilled labour. But in reality, our managerial positions and skilled labour force are actually fast losing its competitiveness.

I travel around the region frequently for the past 10 years. It didn't take me long to realise how far our neighbours have come over the past decade.

They have quality skilled workers, and are less expensive. When I work with them, their analytical skills are equally good, if not better than us.

It's not new anymore. Taxi drivers are fast becoming "too early to retire, too old to work" segment of the society. I like to talk to taxi drivers whenever I am heading for the airport.

There was this driver. Eloquent and well read. He was an export manager for 12 years with an MNC. Retrenched at 40 years old. He had been searching for a job since his retrenchment.

Although he was willing to lower his pay expectations, employers were not willing to lower their prejudice. He was deemed too old. I wouldn't be surprised if we have another No. 1; having the most highly educated taxi drivers in the world.

On PM Lee calling the young to be committed and make a difference. Look around us. How dedicated can we be to Singapore when we can visualise what's in store for us after we turned 40? Then again, how committed are employers to us? But we can't blame them. They have bottom lines & shareholders' gain to answer to.

Onus is really on the government to revamp the society. A society that is not a pressure cooker. A society that does not mirror so perfectly, what survival of the fittest is....[Message truncated]

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Premire @ Tampanies...The new breed of high class HDBs.

For those of you who haven't heard (i'm sure most of you have). The Gahmen has given private developers a chance at public housing. These new condo style HDBs come equiped with all the modern fixtures and deco which you will find in a normal executive condo.

You get multifunctional air-cons in every room, generous balcony space, executive style cabinets and some fixtures and fittings which are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The units aren't BIG by any sense of the word, but they sure do look good. There aren't facilities like gyms and swimming pools though, but thats a minor gripe considering that such facilities are usu just a short drive away.

In other words, The Premire can be considered abit of a hybrid. Finally, there are homes which fill the price gap between a 5 room flat and an executive condo. Sounds good hey? People have been complaining that the disparity of prices between a 5-room and a condo leave many people stranded.

BUT WAIT, there is a catch (there are 2,3,4 and 5 room units, but I'll just talk about the 5 rooms for convenience sake). The income ceiling for the 5-room hybrid remains at 8k per hsehold. ZZZZZZZ..knew it was too good to be true. A 5 room hybrid costs anywhere between 308k to 450k, which is substantially higher than a normal 5 room. Sooooooo, why does the income ceiling remain the same? *scratches head*

I'll be honest, these hybrids aren't meant for graduates who plan to work for another 3-4 years and get married. How to afford??? Older couples who don't qualify for a normal 5 room due to the income ceiling...STILL don't qualify for the hybrid units.

I think there is an element of danger about this issue. Since the income ceiling remains, while the cost of the hybrid is higher.

1) You take a longer loan

2) You pay bigger installments and have a shorter loan.

Probably the result is, you get more DINKS (double income no kids). People might be tempted to rush down and put down deposits, w/o fully understanding the consequnces.

Assuming you both earn exactly 4k each (ur income is taxable by the way). And if you pay back maybe 3k to the bank every month, you're left with 5k...(prob less actually) you have to choose: Get a car which befits your status? Or get raise a child...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...I admit 8k combined is alot to many SG ppl no doubt.

However I don't think 8k is alot if you're gonna stay in a hybrid like that.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is a yellow box, many Singaporeans have seen it.

On the road it means: Do not enter unless you are turning in from an adjacent street.

Singaporean intepretation: Enter if you do not wish to be behind another car.

On MRT Platorm it means: Pls do not stand in this area, wait for passengers to alight.

Singaporean interpretation: Try to squeeze as many people into the yellow box as possible, anyone standing outside will be declared dead.

In army it means: Smoking area

Singaporean intepretation: Pls stand anywhere but here if u smoke

Monday, October 16, 2006


I was reading through a website:

For those of you who wish to be an intelligent Singaporean, please give this site a read. Its inquisitive, funny, informative, enlightening and features the blogs of real intelligent people. Not talentless people who gripe about unimportant issues (Xiaxue).

In a blog I read how an ANG MO, told his Singaporean friend that Singaporeans behave like pigs. Determined to prove that these were just the minority, the Singaporean embarked on a couple of tests to prove this. He was utterly disappointed in the end: THE ANG MO, was totally right.

In the MRT, he noted how people crowd around the entrances, blocking people who were trying to get out. He noted how no one gave up their seats for pregnant ladies, the ones who gave up their seats were THAI WORKERS.Imagine that!!

The Singaporean noted how people indiscriminately leave their food and trash behind in fastfood outlets, foodcourts and overflowing trash bins.

He noted when a lady with her baby pram wanted to board a lift in the MRT, she was told sharply by a smartly dressed executive "Aiyah, why can't u take the next one?"

I read an article where someone from the IMF commented "wow, Singapore is so clean!". His claims were refuted by a Singaporean who said "that's not true, we just have alot of cleaners"

Mind you, I am the first to admit I don't take public transport. I'm lucky enough to have a car to drive (road manners is bad also). I have experienced all these when I was younger though and these are genuine situations, they happen everyday.

This post is not new from my blog, I've always complained about filthy toilets in MRTs and hawker centres. How people are still determined to squat on the toilet seat, because they are afraid they will contract HIV. How some men are still determined to pee without lifting the toilet seat up, maybe because they are afraid to touch the toilet seat, which is of course, soooo deadly.

Liong Choon once commented (yes i rem) that these are just the minority of uneducated 'uncles' who soil Singapore's image as a gracious society. I'm not too sure about that.

Stress, lack of time, peer-pressure : These are terrible excuses for bad social behaviour. This is an issue beyond being educated or not. This is an issue about upbringing, graciousness, empathy and plain consideration.

The MRT issue has been a debacle for a long long time, I remember when I was 16, it was a problem, 8 years on, its still a damn problem. People simply don't care.

I have a neighbour in Pine Grove who lives directly opposite me, he's been my neighbour for at least 20 years. He has two children who are in secondary school. When I was a small kid selling tickets to help the poor, he flatly told me he wasn't interested. His wife is anti-social just like him and once she saw me running for the lift, she purposely closed the lift cause she didn't want to wait for me. Perhaps I run faster when I'm angry, but I stuck my arm inbetween the closing doors and pryed open the lift.

When my cat puked outside his unit, he wrapped the puke up in newspaper and threw it infront of my front door!!WTF...WHY??! Why was there a need for that??? Thankfully, he has had his retribution. His daugther grew up to be very ugly, inheriting her mother's jaw, which resembles an ORC from Lord of The Rings. His son grew up short and pudgy, with a bad haircut and a very weird deep voice. Neighbours for 20 years and till today, they don't even say hi, nor do they hold the lift for me.

Sigh, Singaporeans....I don't want to generalise, I have many great Singaporean friends. But really Ugly behaviour is EVERYWHERE. Try caring about people other than yourself..and for heaven's sake..PLEASE STOP ABUSING/ABANDONING animals!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I was with Rayner and Yingzi (Manly) last night at BOJANGLES, which is at Railmall. We were sitting around the table having a drink, when MANLY laughed and spewed a mixture of saliva and water over me. It was very unglam and quite disgusting, and she later claim it was "showers of blessing"

Given a chance, I would like to pee on her head and return the blessings. Anyway it was good, grabbing a drink and unwinding after work. But once I got home, i was so tired i instantly lost consciousness.


Monday, October 09, 2006


Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is damn funny


It still rides so hard that the danger of biting your tongue off is only countered by the greater likelihood of swallowing it, and every time you select another gear, the powertrain still hooks up aggressively enough slip a couple of discs.

Hyundai Accent

There is an off button that doesn't actually turn it off and no 'on' button at all. I thought I'd found this but when I pressed it the whole radio fell off.

Mitsubishi EVO

Minimal lag and a snap through the first couple of gears and that's 60mph in 4.3 seconds. You can jabber around, 'sociopath with a licence', in the low gears, or stretch its legs in long bursts of breathy, yet linear, acceleration... 'Sociopath with a six-month ban.'

Ferrari Enzo

It was so fast that the wrinkles on my faces started to disappear under heavy acceleration as my skin was tugged back to my ears. I'm 45 mind you, and under heavy acceleration I looked like I was 20. However, the brakes were so good when I hit them, all my wrinkles came back and my face was indanger of being yanked clean off. I looked 80 under braking.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


1) I MISS...Driving my CRX, blasting Initial D soundtracks, Blasting the VTEC toward the REDLINE and really pushing it in neighbourhood roads.

2) I MISS...The Zion peeps, so many friends that I slowly gathered over the few years I was in Perth.

3) I MISS...Hanging out in each others' houses, just talking nonsense and going for supper.

4) I MISS...The easy traffic and the good manners

5) I MISS...The cool weather during winter, the beach days during summer.

6) I ex-hsemates, Uncle Gerald, Uncle Roy and Marcus and our MJ sessions (plus Jack Ng)

7) I MISS...The pace of life, which I would die to have now. I miss studying too.

8) I MISS...Not having to worry about money, although I knew that would be temporary


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Yes, the haze is back. One of Indonesia's most illustrious exports. Its irritating my nose and my throat. Its quite outrageous when burn down your own forests to gain farmland and inconvenience the entire region.

Anyway, in other news. Malaysian Prime Minister (forgot his name) was deeply upset by comments by MM Lee that Chinese have been marginalised in Malaysia. I wonder if he was deeply upset that someone noticed and pointed it out, or if he was upset because he felt it was not true. I shall not place further comments in fear that I will be thrown in jail and be made an example.

A man recorded himself on his camera abusing a stray cat, the whole incident was recorded by his friend. At the end of it, he smiled and gave a big thumbs up to the camera. He befriended the stray cat, who obviously was used to kindness from humans, he den suddenly kicked the cat, which fled the scene, totally terrified.

Imagine how confused the cat must be, it is probably fed by humans, stroked and cared for. Once again, its terrible for such people to be doing such things. I would like to befriend him myself. Before launching my car and running over him. Or throw him in the Lion's cage in the Zoo....and ask him to kick the Lion.