From the small eyes of a small chinese boy

My experiences when i walk through life, my thoughts and of course my condescending brand of humor.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

julius loh Posted by Hello
The passing of a friend....

Occasionally, when i have time to think, I'll remember abit about my army days and how it seems like forever since I last put on an army uniform. I think about the people i worked with in my 2 and a half years in service. Some I've lost contact with, some I contact occasionally..and ONE, I won't be seeing again.

His name was Julius Loh, we were serving in 4th Singapore Infantry Regiment (4sir) as scout sergeants. He was in my section, our section was split into two teams, alpha and bravo. He was the team leader of Bravo. I remember he was from VJC.

Almost two years ago, our platoon was shaken by the loss of one of our corporals, to a motocycle accident. Now the rest of us, try to recall of those fond memories we spent on missions together..

Julius looked like a studious person, but he was fit and always put in his best whenever he was called upon to do his duties. He was the direct opposite of me, i was unmotivated in the army. He was abit of a taskmaster, I was the slacker. So naturally we had some differences when it came to army stuff.

It was all small little things that were resolved soon, and before he left the army, I had a chat with him. He was going to the USA to study and he was scared because it was time for us to step back in the real world. It was a chance i relished, but one that he dreaded. But I told him that we'll be fine, army is just a phrase and the phrase was drawing to a close.

I never saw him after leaving the Army, perhaps because we are so far apart. No real news of him for more than a year. And on 22 Oct, he passed away in a car accident, in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA.

Its true, we were never that close, but somehow, when you spend the worst times of your life with someone, you will tend to remember that person, on brighter days. The scout platoon of 4 sir, who are now spilt up and all over the place, mourn his loss.


Friday, October 22, 2004

People That Have Driven My Car in Perth

As you people already know, I love my car, but I love my friends heres a list of people who have driven my car...I have comprehensive insurance btw.

Joanne/Justin/Mishi/Melissa Goh/Alvin/Darin/Wenwei/Arthur/Nicole/Jamie/Yingzi/Karen.

Thats like 12 people..So moral of the story is..a person that drives a selfish car isn't necessarily selfish.

So here's a general review SOME of the people who have driven my car..

Steady driver, never stalled it, drove it out of the car dealer for me. Competent as anything, one of the best drivers ever to drive my car..probably even better than me.

I'll nvr let her drive it again, heavy right foot, unable to see clearly because of her height and the lowness of my car..however does not prevent her from speeding..and endangering her own life

Very competent on the first attempt, didn't stall. Felt very safe and secure with her driving..abit jerky but not a big problem. Subsequently stalled it afew times, but nothing major..

Fear is known as the absense of courage, and alot of my courage was absent when she first drove my car. Car unable to move the first time as handbrake was was unable to move the second time as clutch came up before the accelerator went down. Gears dragged until VTEC opened. Scary..but subsequently..she got better...still stalls it frequently..but at least she's safe..SHe's ok now...still prone to afew glaring errors though..

She can drive. Fullstop

First person in Perth that i let drive my car, even though she hasn't passed. Don't was on an isolated road. Needs more practise. Stalls often but at least doesn't do anything hazardous. Too small sized and steering wheel is in the way of her line of sight, not really her fault though..sports cars prob not her thing.

Full credit too you passing your test, but your judgement needs to be improved but don't worry that will come in time. Watch out for the kerbs.

Yes the one from Zion dance. Arguably the best female driver in my car, didn't stall, didn't jerk the car and make me fact, she looked pretty comfortable..well done!! i guess malaysians all can drive.

Considering he doesn't drive a manual often, he's competent. Doesn't over elaborate. Normal and effective driving..

Its MY car, so I'm pretty alright at it. I am however, hopeless at going around corners fast. Stalls once in awhile..due to when going through KFC drive throughs...Still learning the car limits..and mine..

Monday, October 18, 2004


Search For A Star was really good. I think what matters is that it took alot of guts for some of the people to perform on stage. So even if they sang out of tune or hit a wrong chord, it didn't matter, it was still thoroughly enjoyable. Personally, would have been nice to also perform, but, well...I can't sing or dance or play any enough said. God blessed me in other areas ( I hope )

Finally, don't really need to help out with the transport anymore. As soon as i stepped back into my CRX. I could feel the difference in speed, but there are so many things i miss about driving that camry. It was quiet, comfortable and I could have like so many people in the car just cruising along and chatting, which made up for the fact that it was painfully slow and not particularly economical.

Feel really sorry for Mel Goh and her thrashed engine, but oh well, you live and learn. She's getting her car back soon..yay!!

Life always seems to halt for me, I seem to always see myself standing at a crossroad. But that was then, this time I've picked a road that I want to take, packed my bags and continued on my journey in life. Of course, some people will say "what if", but that's living in the World of an optimist, I prefer to remain in reality.

Its important to stay focused and positive, its when you start having negative feelings and thoughts, then your emotions overwhelm you and then....Satan starts playing with your mind.

I can do all things through him who gives me strength

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Haven't really had much to blog about recently..

Had some big happeings but not really good to publicise..

Time will tell its story in God's glory..

I'm having one of days where i'm feeling absolutely neutral.Like totally mood-less. I'm not happy, i'm not sad.

Am I numb? Perhaps..

I think i can fill up in percentages what kind of characteristics i have..cause i'm bored.

cynicism (10%)
humor (30%)
joy (20%)
pain (20%)
love (20%)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Been so tired lately..

Work has been piling up and I've been trying to ease the seemingly endless tide of assignments..

Feel in, i feel not too bad. Not exactly happy or overjoyed, rather contented. Life could be better...but for that case..worse. still rebuilding, still reparing my relationship with GOD.

Sunshine...its getting warmer and brighter, perfect to take the roof of my car down. seemingly loud car (to most ppl)..had its exhaust drowned out by the bellow of a ford mustang.


assignment due...tommorow..

Time of death...tommorow..

My point is..if i don't finish..i'm going to meet St peter...


Sunday, October 03, 2004

> =Name= Christopher Lim

> =Nick= THE fantasizer

> =Skool=Curtin Uni, doing a double major in journalism and marketing

> =D.O.B= 08/12/82

> =Birthplace= Singapore

> =Horoscope= Sag

> =Location= Perth, Bentley, Curtin 12, my room

> =Hp number= Shdn't disclose here

> =Status= single

> =For how long= very very long

> =Height= 172cm

> =Weight= below 63kg

> =Dialect= Cantonese, but can't speak it

> =Religion= Catholic, but all believers in Christ are the same to me...

> =Person love= Plenty..

> =Person Missed= Don't really have anyone specific

> =LaSt=
> ~Person Seen~ last fren seen was michelle lau, other den that..some ppl at sch
> ~Message sent~ an sms to a fren who has a sorethroat
> ~Message received~ can't remember, and lazy 2 check
> ~Call dialled~ To a fren chit chat

> **************QuEsTiOnS**************
> 1. dO yOu GeT jEaLoUs EaSiLy?
> * No, useless emotion
> 2. wHaT hV u Been DoiN fOr tHe pasT feW
> * Work, play, work, play, church, lunches.

> 3.LaSt MoVieS taT u WatCh? wiTh whO?
> * A shark's tale, with dex,mish,chels,niki
> 4.HaVe u cRieD BefOre?
> * When i was born
> 5.SeRioUs iN LOVe BefoRe?
> * I dunno man..
> 6.wHaT iS tHe 1sT tHiNg taT coMes tO uR
> * Tired, i need to sleep and be engulfed by darkness
> 7.FaV soNg? wHy?
> * Hoobastank...The reason....its a nice song, thats why.

> 8.wHaT u pLaNNiN tO dO tiS weeKeNd?:
> * Rest,meet frens..go church

> 9.dO u cLuB? wheRe?
> * Not really into clubbing nowadays

> 10:dO u sMokE?
> * infrequently
> 11.aNy ppLe iN LoVe wiTh u nOw?
> * Lots, there are so many kinds of love, parental love, friendship love..

> 12.dO u pRefeR sMs oR TalkiN oN pHoNe?
> * talk on the phone..its actually cheaper..and more info can be sent across
> 13.R u MissiN suM1 nOw?
> * quite a few in fact.
> 14.wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg NoW?
> * chatting..
> 15.wHen iS tHe LaSt tiMe u ReCeiVe
> * I have NEVER recieved flowers

> 16.1 WoRd tO SaY bOuT u?
> * whimsical

> 17.NaMe ur gOOd fReNz?
> * for what..i know who can already

> 18.wHo u waNa kiSS nOw?
> * >My cats back home

> 19.iN LoVe wiTh aNy1 nOw? whO?

> 20.1 peRsoN whO u wiSh tO sPeNd uR LiFe
> witH
> * There are like one or two ppl

Feel so blessed for a certain friendship in my life..
It began not too long ago..
But it brought me closer to God and gave me renewed meaning in life..
It's really so hard to describe how happy this friendship makes me.
I hope God will bless it
thru the hard times and the good..
